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Build Automated Workflows
Build Automated Workflows
Clu Connors avatar
Written by Clu Connors
Updated over a month ago

Quick Reference: Settings> Automated Workflows> Add Workflow> Set the trigger and then the actions & save.

NOTE: For Policy Specific details to be incorporated into your emails/texts in workflows, please review THESE SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS.

While we recommend using workflows to apply to the full account, if you want Agent or Agency Specific workflows, check out THESE SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS.

If you'd like to review examples after learning about the set up, click HERE.

Automated Workflows are a powerful way to communicate to your leads and clients with emails, texts, calls queues, generating consent to contacts and scope of appointments and much more. They can also help the agents and other team members keep on top of their work.

We’ll walk through how a workflow functions, then how to build them and finally show examples of common workflows. We also have a help article called Automated Workflow Examples for reference.

You must have admin privileges to build a workflow.


In the filter, type, Automated Workflows and it’ll pull up from the long list of options.


Your workflows are stored here. Let’s hit Add New Workflow.

The first part of this feature is called the trigger. The trigger determines who the workflow should apply to. The second part determines the actions of when and what happens.

Let’s first review the Trigger or the Who. 
Name it.

We’ll almost always want to have “Stop workflow if no longer matches criteria” checked. That way you can have a New Lead workflow that has actions spanning over a few months, but if someone becomes a client sooner than the end of the workflow, they don’t get marketing messages any longer because those actions would have been removed since they’re no longer a new lead.

Select which record type. Leads or clients or both?

For the vast majority of workflows, we recommend going based on status or policy status/coverage type or a date trigger. But you can see here that you have a wide array of options to choose from.

Note, you must check the box AND make the selection for it to work properly. 
So if this was for Status of New Lead, I’d check the box and select New Lead.

Let’s go through the explanation of each trigger possibility.

This is only for triggering actions for records that are newly added into Radius. 
I almost never use it. If it is checked, then only records who are freshly added in would get that workflow. If they’re a lead and you change them to a client, that is not considered newly added because they were already in the system.

Trigger on Inbound SMS allows you to respond when a SMS has been received. This is an instance where you will not select “Stop Workflow if record no longer matches criteria” since the only criteria is that a text is received. This will be the same for Email Opened/Read.

Typically this is used for an auto response back to the record via text of “We’ve received your message and will reply as soon as possible.” We’ll build this example in the examples section.

Email Open/Read works similarly. However, most smart phones and computers allow a person to ‘preview’ their messages in browser pop ups. The pop up will count as it being opened and read even though they might not have really engaged yet in the message. For that reason, we would recommend that you don’t have an immediate response to them since you don’t know if it’s their device or them actually reading it.

Tagged with allows you to set actions for people who you’ve tagged as a group such as AEP Needs Appointment.

Not Tagged With allows you to exclude people. One important example is, when you’re creating a birthday workflow, select Not Tagged With Deceased so you’re not sending a happy birthday message at a sensitive time for the loved ones checking their email.

Temperature is to send to people who have been leads in the system for a certain period of time. This is not my favorite as I know you’re all sellers and a new lead will get quoted fast! Therefore, the better way to address this is with Status. One example of how it can be used though is if you want to reassign Cold leads to a certain team member.

Status Of is the key way to automated in the system. That way, you can work through the process from New Lead to Appointment Set to Quoted to Active Client, all with the appropriate actions.

Coverage Type refers to the primary coverage type of the record. So if you have a lead capture form that lets people choose which coverage they’re interested in, and they select Life for example, you can have specific messaging for those leads interested in life, as opposed to Leads interested in Medicare.

Agents allows you to set up workflows for specific agents.

Agencies will only display if you’ve created downline agencies within your account. You can then filter by the appropriate agency if you need to.

The next several options are for Policy Specific Workflows. Instead of the workflow looking at the lead or client record, it will look in the person’s Policy tab. We have a separate training for policy specific workflows, which I’ll link to. But, as a general overview, you can target by Carrier, Product, Policy Status and Policy Coverage Type.

State, County and Zipcode (which is below the analytics) allow you to have targeted regional campaigns.

Then you have analytics. Your Radius account came with a default analytic table of Lead Source, but you can add more. These analytics tables can be used for triggering workflows. For example, Lead Source= Facebook plus Opt-In For Texting. Or Preferred Language is Spanish so that the workflow actions are only set up with Spanish communications.

On Date allows you to trigger On, After or Before several key dates: Last Updated, Birthday, 26th Birthday, 65th Birthday, Effective Date and Renewal Date. So you could send On day of Birthday. Or 180 days Before 65th Birthday. Or 10 days After Effective Date (note that this would be a policy specific workflow and would require you to also select policy status and policy coverage type). Note that our system checks for date triggers around 6am pacific time, so please factor that into your timing of the Actions. 

You’ll Save the workflow trigger and then move onto which actions you’ll want to occur.

Let’s now look at the options in Actions.

Create New Task will populate a task in the agent or a specific agent’s Radius calendar. I don’t love this option for myself as it will junk up my calendar pretty quickly. If I want to be reminded of a birthday or effective date, I prefer copying myself on the email I send to the lead or client for that purpose. But it’s there for you if you want it!

Send Email allows you to send an email template to the record, to the assigned agent, a specific agent or even to another party. This other party option is useful if you have an underwriter or other person you need to send an email to with standardized details.

Send Text gives the option to send a SMS message to the record, the assigned agent or a specific agent. You can (and should!) personalize the message by selecting the field names from the snippet list below. So if the Record’s #FIRSTNAME# field has George in it, this message so far would read “Hello George”. Important to note that you must have advance, express written consent for text messaging per CMS and the FCC. Please note that we HIGHLY recommend not using this for texting on holidays and for other non-business related purposes. Your number will most likely be marked as spam if you do so.

Add Tag allows you to add a tag for grouping purposes. One example of its use is if you mark a record with a status of Do Not Contact or Deceased, you can also have the system add a Tag of Do Not Contact or Deceased automatically in order to avoid sending marketing to those groups while sending to all other leads and clients.

Remove Tag can remove the tag at a certain time. So let’s say you have a tag of AEP Review Needed and that’s what you’re using to trigger the workflow. You can add an action 100 days later to REMOVE that tag so you don’t have to make any updates to the record once AEP is over.

Add Note allows you to write a specific note. Perhaps you have a trigger that reassigns the agent after a specific time or for a specific reason. You could add a note of “Agent reassigned as lead was not worked within 24 hours.”

Reassign Agent allows you to reassign the agent in a certain amount of time, or for a specific purpose such as Documents Needed. You could reassign it to a certain agent who handles the documents.

Reassign Record Status is used for moving someone from one status to the other automatically. If you have a lead with a status of Pending, but after 30 days of attempts to move them into a plan, they haven’t proceeded, you can move them into a status of Aged Lead. That status can then be used to trigger future workflows or campaigns.

Add to Call Queue will place them into a call queue at the time you set. A good tip is that you always prompt leads or new clients with an email (and a text if they’ve opted in) to let them know which number you’ll be calling from. Even if they don’t check their email or texts before you call, their smart phone will. It will then say Possibly Danielle Bond rather than Possibly Spam. There are other ways to prevent this as well, but this is a very good practice for getting your calls answered.

Remove from Call Queue can take the person out of one or all call queues. Usually you’ll try someone several times. So you’d put them into the first attempt call queue when they’re a new lead, but then if you leave a voicemail and mark them as status of 2nd Attempt Needed, you would have a workflow of Leads with a status of 2nd Attempt Needed. And actions of Remove from call queue minute one with a call queue of 1st attempt needed. (And then you’d also have another action of Add to 2nd Attempt Call Queue 4 hours later or whatever you like. More on this in the examples section). 

Convert Record to Type can be handy if you want to make sure that whenever you mark a client as Active, you also convert them to a Client so that their commissions will be tracked. 

Mail Postcard and Mail Letter are options for an integration we have with Direct Mail Manager. This is a 3rd party, but it’s a very cool feature which enables you to send postcards and letters either via automated workflow or from the record’s profile directly. Check out and see if it’s a good solution for you. We do not have this integration available for other direct mail companies.

Generate Medicare Forms can speed up getting Medicare Permission to Contact forms out for signing to new leads or quoted leads, or Medicare Scope of Appointment forms out to people at the start of open enrollment. Or if they’ve requested a Medicare appointment, you can set that up as a status of Appointment Needed and then have the system generate an invite to the scheduler (which has a SOA option attached to it!)

Enable Self Service is another helpful tool when you’ve quoted a lead or before enrollment periods. The self service portal article will explain more, but in brief, the feature allows people to see their policies, your contact information, any documents you’ve given them access to and allows them to update or add their prescriptions and providers.

HTTP Trigger is for the very tech savvy user. If you know what this means, you can Post or Get and use the field names listed below. Feel free to message us in the help app for any questions on this as each instance is quite different. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please ignore this option!

III. Now you’ve learned about how to set the trigger and how to set which actions you want to have go out and when. Let’s look at some specific examples.

We recommend using Status dispositions as the PRIMARY trigger that you work leads through workflows. You might also use supplemental triggers like Lead Source= Facebook for more specific messaging or an analytic of Text Opt In= Yes. However, if you use too many triggers, it will most likely result in limited leads getting your messaging, so don't select every option!

Please make sure to review SMS & Email marketing best practices to avoid being listed as a spammer and avoid fines.

FOR ALL OF THESE EXAMPLES, check the box for "Stop Workflow if record no longer matches criteria"

Let’s create a new lead campaign.

Name: New Lead

Triggers: Record Type= Leads, Status= New Lead

action 1: To Record, 1 Minute, Send Email (introduction email that has your phone number and company details for better call pick up rates even if you don't think they'll check their email) 
action 2: 1 Minute, Add to call queue, 1st Call Needed call queue

If you have a opt-in for texting your leads, you can create a supplemental campaign for those leads who have opted in. Per the regulations, you need express written consent to send text messages to people. Please review the SMS Regulations & Guidance article for more details.

Name: New Lead Opted In For Texting

Triggers: Record Type= Leads, Status= New Lead, Texting Opt In= Yes, check the box for "Stop Workflow if record no longer matches criteria"

action 1: minute 1, To Record, Send Text, Hello #FIRSTNAME#, Thank you for your insurance inquiry. I received your consent to text (you can revoke it at any time). I will call shortly from #AGENTPHONE# or you can book a time with me at #AGENTCALENDARLINK#. Or simply text me back with any questions. Thank you! #AGENTNAME#

Note, the required opt out will be added automatically. Here's a screenshot of how that text set up will look.

While you can keep adding more actions to the new lead workflow, we recommend that you change their status to 2nd Attempt Needed and so on for future actions. So let’s do that now.

Name: Second Attempt Needed

Triggers: Record Type= Leads, Status= 2nd Attempt Needed,

action 1: minute 1, To Record, Send Email with template of 2nd attempt needed (telling the person that you left a message for them and that you'll call in a few hours, but how they can reach you in the meantime.

action 2: minute 2, Remove from 1st attempt call queue

action 3: 4 hours, Add to 2nd attempt call queue

Add as many steps as you want to your lead process. One recommendation is to have a Final Attempt needed

Name: Final Attempt Needed

Triggers: Record Type= Leads, Status= Final Attempt Needed

action 1: minute 1, Remove from previous call queue

action 2: minute 1, Send Email

action 3: 2 hours, Add to Final Attempt Call queue

action 4: 3 days, Remove from All Call Queues

action 5: 4 days, Reassign Status to Aged Lead

Name: Do Not Contact

Triggers: Record Type= Leads, Status= Do Not Contact

action 1: minute 2, Remove from ALL Call Queues

action 2: minute 10, Convert to Archive (if you have custom record types)

Turning 65 or Turning 26 Workflow ideas

FOR ALL OF THESE EXAMPLES, check the box for "Stop Workflow if record no longer matches criteria" 
Name: T65 Lead

Triggers: Record Type= Leads; On Date 220 Days BEFORE Turning 65, Not Tagged With= Deceased

action 1: minute 1, Send T65 email

action 2: minute 1, Add to T65 Call Queue

action 3: 1 week, Send Postcard (this is a 3rd party service

action 4: 1 month, Add to T65 Call Queue

action 5: 2 months, Send Email to assigned agent to follow up on this lead

It’s helpful to be specific about spouses of clients in case there’s a household discount… or even just to give your message more context.

Name: T65 Spouse is a Client

Triggers: Record Type= Client Relationships; Status= Spouse is a client, On Date 225 Days BEFORE Turning 65, Not Tagged With= Deceased

action 1: minute 1, Send email to Record about potential household discount (if applicable)

action 2: 1 week, Send email to Assigned Agent to review their profiles.

Birthday Workflow

FOR ALL OF THESE EXAMPLES, check the box for "Stop Workflow if record no longer matches criteria"

Name: Birthdays ALL

Triggers: Record Type= All, On Date 7 Days BEFORE Birthday, Not Tagged With= Deceased

action 1: minute 1, Send Postcard

action 2: 7 days, Send Email (Birthday template) to Record

Name: Birthdays Clients

Triggers: Record Type= Clients, On Date Birthday, Not Tagged With= Deceased

action 1: 3 hours, send text 
Happy birthday, #FIRSTNAME#! Wishing you a wonderful year. We look forward to serving you for many more to come! #AGENTFIRSTNAME# and all of us at (AGENCY NAME)

Policy Workflows

Please review the policy workflow tutorials as these have to be specific to the product coverage type and product status to trigger the correct carrier/product details. Note that you can use the COPY feature so that all you have to do is update the name of the workflow and the policy coverage type.

FOR ALL OF THESE EXAMPLES, check the box for "Stop Workflow if record no longer matches criteria"

Name: Effective Date- MAPD

Triggers: Record Type= Clients, Policy Status= Active, Policy Coverage Type= MAPD, On Effective Date (or 10 days after or before depending on how you want to use it)

action 1: minute 1, Send Email to Record of Policy In Effect
action 2: 3 hours, Send Text to Record
Hello #FIRSTNAME#, Your #CARRIER# #PRODUCT# is in effect as of today. If you have any questions on your benefits or in network providers, please let me know how I can help you. Sincerely, #AGENTNAME# #AGENTPHONE#

action 3: 1 month, Send Email to Record of Policy Check In

action 4: 2 months, Add to Client Check In Call Queue

Name: Renewal Date-MAPD

Triggers: Record Type= Clients, Policy Status= Active, Policy Coverage Type= MAPD, 60 days BEFORE Renewal Date

action 1: minute 1, Send Email to Record of Policy In Effect
action 2: 3 hours, Send Text to Record

Hello #FIRSTNAME#, Your #CARRIER# #PRODUCT# will renew in 60 days. If you would like to set up a meeting to discuss any other options, please call, text or book an appointment here #AGENTCALENDARLINK# Sincerely, #AGENTNAME# #AGENTPHONE#


Triggers: Record Type= ALL, Tagged With= Annual Review Needed, Not Tagged With= Deceased

action 1: minute 1, Send email to Record with Email Template for pre-booking their annual review

action 2: 2 weeks, Send Email to Record for 2nd attempt for AEP booking
action 3: 1 month, Send Email to Record for 3rd attempt for AEP booking (noting that you'll be calling in the next few days & from which number)

action 4: 32 days, Add to Call Queue AEP Needs Appointment
action 5: 4 months, Remove from Call Queue AEP Needs Appointment

action 6: 125 days: Remove Tag= Annual Review Needed

Name: AEP Clients
Triggers: Record Type= Clients, Tagged With= Annual Review Needed, Not Tagged With= Deceased

action 1: 3 hours, to Record, Send Text 
Hello #FIRSTNAME#, We're starting to book appointments for the annual review period. I'm reaching out to my clients to give them first priority in booking. Please select a time #AGENTCALENDARLINK#. The first available appointment is November 15.

action 2: 2 weeks, Enable Self Service portal (*You'll need to review the self service module and the email template for details)

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