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Screen Sharing Tool
Clu Connors avatar
Written by Clu Connors
Updated over a year ago

Radius gives you a screen sharing tool by ScreenLeap, complimentary with your account.

To start using Screen Leap, go to the Lead or Client File. You must have an email for them in their Radius file for the program to work.
 Please note, it's only a visual screen share. You would have to be on the phone with the person, determine they're ready for the screen share.

Go to the lead or client file. In the upper right hand corner of their file is the "Start Screen Share" button. Press that. It will email the lead or client the link to view your screen. You will get a confirmation that the email has been sent.

The first time you use Screen Leap on a computer, you will get a prompt to download their software. Note that you must download software for it to work, but your lead or client only has to click the link. If you're on a Mac and have Catalina (10.15), scroll to the bottom of this page for further instructions on permissions you need to grant prior to using Screen Leap.

Make sure that when you're done with sharing your screen, you stop the share. Please see the screen shots below that walk you through.

Launch ScreenLeap:

You will see this screen once the invitation has been sent:

You have to download Screen Leap the first time you use it on a computer:

Notice that you now have a URL that is generated for viewing. While your lead or client will receive an email like the one below automatically, you can also copy & paste that link into a text or to other parties who the lead/client has requested be on the screenshare.

You can see if the person has joined or you can pause/stop the share with this control that will launch once you've launched ScreenLeap. The little mouse icon next to share entire screen will allow you to give control of your keyboard to the viewer to enter in data or sign documents on your computer:

From ScreenLeap:
My Mac has MacOS Catalina (10.15) or later. When I share my screen, my viewers only sees the background of my desktop. How can I allow them to see my windows as well?

MacOS Catalina (10.15) requires that you grant permission for the Screen Recording to the Screenleap for Mac app.

To grant permission:

  1. Open your System Preferences.

  2. Click on Security & Privacy.

  3. Click on Screen Recording.

  4. Check the box for the Screenleap app. You will see a dialog saying that you need to restart the Screenleap app, but you do not need to. You can just continue your screen share.

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