You can now track Prescriptions in the Rx tab and Providers for your clients & leads. If you do not see these options, you or your admin might need to enable this feature first.
Enable Rx & Providers Tab
Click SETTINGS> Email, Columns, Calendar & Other Settings> PRESCRIPTION ENTRY: Check to Enable Rx Tab for Entering Prescriptions for Leads and Clients. Scroll down & click Submit Settings.
*You have to be an administrator level to access SETTINGS.
Go to the Rx tab in the lead or client's file & click ADD PRESCRIPTION:
Enter the Rx details. If the client doesn't know the answer, type Unknown or TBC.
The Rx's will display in the sort order of Currently Taking (Yes) and then No to track their history.
Want to have the lead or client fill this out instead?
Learn how to use the Self Service Module!