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Build Automated Workflows
Build Automated Workflows
Clu Connors avatar
Written by Clu Connors
Updated over a week ago

Quick Reference: Settings> Automated Workflows> Add Workflow> Set the trigger and then the actions & save.

NOTE: For Policy Specific details to be incorporated into your emails/texts in workflows, please review THESE SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS.

While we recommend using workflows to apply to the full account, if you want Agent or Agency Specific workflows, check out THESE SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS.

If you'd like to review examples after learning about the set up, click HERE.

Automated Workflows is an excellent feature to save you time and prioritize calls and tasks.

Go to Settings> Automated Workflows.
 Add New Workflow. Name the workflow.
 The “Stop workflow if no longer matches criteria” option allows you to stop the pending actions if say you switch them from New Lead to Quoted. Obviously if you’ve quoted them, you don’t want generalized lead messages going to them any longer.

You’ll set the trigger. So let’s say for Leads with a Status of New Lead. Save.
 You can create actions such as Add Task, Send Email, Send Text, Add or Remove Tag, Reassign Agent or Record Status, Add to or Remove from Call Queue, or HTTP Trigger.

And set the timing and who it goes to. You can choose the lead or client, the Assigned Agent or a specific agent. In the email option, you can also send to a specific email address. For instance if you have a verification person, you can send them an email template with the prospect’s details for them to complete the verification.
 You’d then save the action and continue on creating as many as you want.

Before you start creating workflows, if you are going to add actions for Send Email, you’ll first want to create email templates.

If you’re planning on adding actions to add or remove from call queues, you’ll need to set those up in Settings> Phone Dialer & Call Queues in the call queues tab.

Create any custom status dispositions that you’ll need in Settings> Status Options.

You also should have completed the custom SMTP settings prior to sending email.

**Important to note that there are multiple state and federal laws around texting. The safest way to text is to always have an OPT-IN on any page or source you generate leads from. Radius has an automatic opt-out for text messages. We recommend putting "Reply STOP to opt out" at the end of any lead facing texts. If the person wants to opt back in at a later point, they must text START or UNSTOP to your Radius Active SMS number in order to receive text messages from your number again. The Radius Active SMS number is the Radius default number if you're on the basic plan. If you have full VOIP, please check to see what number you have selected as your Active SMS number. More information can be found on our SMS BEST PRACTICES article.**

Let’s do a few more examples. Automated Workflows really is my favorite way to get my own work done or more accurately, my favorite way of the system doing the work for me or at least telling me what my priorities are, so I think it’s worth a few more minutes of examining.

Again, we’ll go to Settings> Automated Workflows.

Let’s say that you’ve called that New Lead because the first workflow we created had put them into your call queue fo New Leads. While you’re on the phone with them, disposition them to their new status. Let’s say Quote Requested.

You can select for Leads, Status is Quote Requested. Save. Add Action. Let’s first REMOVE from all Call Queues 0 minutes. That way you don’t accidentally call them in another lead list. Then Add another action of 1 day later Add To Call Queue of Quote Follow Up. You can also add a SMS message 5 minutes later of “Thank you for your quote request. We will be sending your quote shortly. If you have any questions, please let me know by replying to this message or calling me at 702-919-6298. Thank you!” That’s five minutes from time of the trigger which was the status change, not five minutes from the previous action.

If you didn’t reach them on that first call, you can disposition them to something like 2nd Call Needed. Let’s create a workflow for that.
 2nd Call Needed is the name. Stop workflow if no longer matches criteria. For Leads. Status is 2nd Call Needed. Add action to remove from 1st Call Needed at 0 minutes. Add action to add to Call #2 Needed, let’s say 3 hours later. Another action people like utilizing in this status option is Send SMS. So 5 minutes later, if you have an option in for text messaging, you can have a message go out that says something like “Hello! I just left you a voice message and will try you later. If you need anything in the meantime, please call me at 702-919-6298. I just wanted you to have my number since I’m sure you get a lot of marketing calls! Talk to you soon.”

Another tip is for leads that have been in the system for a while without being converted to a client, I recommend Archiving them in a status of Old Lead or Nonresponsive Lead after 90 days. That way you can do a mass email to those old leads around open enrollment or if you have any new information to give them at a later point.

My personal preference is not to use Tasks in Automated Workflows. I let my call queues tell me who to call and when. But if someone asks for a specific call time, I go to their file and click Add Task so that it’s specific to that time. I just don’t like have tons of tasks in my calendar, so that’s my preference. But Add Task is there for you. It’s helpful if you want to assign a specific function to a particular agent. So if you’re the assigned agent, but Alex Richardson is responsible for verifications, you can add a task for that user for the specific lead or client.

Note that These automated workflows that you’re creating are not retroactive, so if you already have leads & clients in the system the workflows will not auto generate. Also, if you add leads & clients from a csv file import, those will also not trigger automated workflows. You can use the bulk update feature to change their status or tag, or whatever criteria you’re using.

We’ve covered a lot, but hopefully that gives you good examples of how to use automated workflows to their full potential. The other features I referenced have links to their tutorials in the written portion of this tutorial page.

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