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Dialer FAQ & Trouble Shooting
Dialer FAQ & Trouble Shooting

Trouble Shooting & Frequently Asked Questions on the VOIP dialing system

Danielle Bond avatar
Written by Danielle Bond
Updated over a week ago


Make your life easier by remembering these 2 things. And shout this from the mountaintop at your office! If your team uses the CRM, they need to know this.

*Do NOT enter your cell phone or other users cell phones as a test record. Why? If you have SMS replies going to your cell phone as the agent and you have a lead/client who you’re testing with using the same phone number, your cell carrier is going to think you’re a spammer and freeze you out. Don’t do it.

*Do not have Zoom open when using the dialer. Zoom always tries to take over the microphone and the audio may flip over to Zoom while you’re on a call, interrupting the call quality.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q) I'm having trouble hearing the call. How do I trouble shoot it?

A) Check that your mic & speakers are allowed for Radius. You'll go into your Browser's preferences and Allow Radius to use your microphone. While you're in there, it's a good idea to check that you've allowed Pop Up Notifications for Radius as well.

Q) My call quality isn't great. What can I do?

A) The most frequent issue is your headset. While you can use any microphone/speaker device you want, we recommend using a USB headset. Sometimes the headphones with non-stable microphone positions make the sound cut in and out.

If that doesn't fix it, try a different browser (Note Safari it doesn't work-recommended browsers are Chrome & Firefox. Other than Safari, the browser shouldn't matter but the sound does go through the browser and you might have a ton of plugins or something that's slowing it down)

Twilio has a speed test you can check: []

Test your computer's microphone. You'll have to Google that since it'll be specific to your computer's settings, but here's a link to get you started: []

It also may be the speed of your internet connection. Go to your internet provider's website to do a speed test.

Q) What’s a VOIP?

A) It stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. What it means is that it’s a phone that works over the internet.

Q) Do I need a headset?

A) It’s good to use a headset, especially if you’re in a busy or loud environment, but not a requirement. You can use your computer or mobile device’s microphone without a headset.

Q) Do calls that are forwarded from Radius get recorded as well?

A) Yes. So long as the call originates in the CRM, the call will be recorded.

Q) Which caller ID is showing to my leads/clients?

A) The one that is in Account> My Information> Caller ID> Active Caller ID. If you have Area Code Recognition set up, it will be whichever number is associated to that area code. For easy reference, when you place a call, it will show the caller ID you’re using in the upper left. If they’re calling you, it will show which number they’re calling into.

Q) My number says it’s not verified in the Caller ID tab. Why?

A) When you purchase a number, it is automatically verified. When you port a number or use caller ID only, you will have to verify the number so that the regulatory powers that be trust your phone number. To do so, make sure that the number you’re verifying does not have a welcome message (ie IVR menu or This call will be recorded) that plays first. If it does, you’ll have to disable it before doing the verification. Then, go to Caller ID, add a caller ID, type the phone number in, name the number for internal use, determine if you want to use the number only for specific area codes and then hit VERIFY. You will need to pick up the call and type in the number it gives you.

Q) What’s area code recognition?

A) Area code recognition is an option for you to set the default number for specific area codes. Note that you will want to set a general account level default number that does not specify area codes so that it is used by default. So if your main number is a California number, you could set (323) 111-2222 as the account default by choosing Set As Active Caller ID in the account settings level with no entries for the area code recognition. But if you also have a Nevada number, for instance, (702) 999-0000, you could set that to display any time you call the area codes 702, 775,

Q) How do I do a 3 way call/ merge calls?

A) Call the first number. Put that person on HOLD. It will confirm that they're on hold even though it will otherwise look like the call is not active. Use the Phone Book or click "Dial A Number" to dial the next phone # using the keypad. Once that person answers, hit MERGE and the calls will be merged.

If one person (other than you) hangs up, the call will still be active.

Q) Where do the call recordings go?

A) After the call is completed, the recording will go to the Call Recordings tab of the associated lead/client. This may take a few minutes to process the audio.

Q) I don't see the recording in Files after a call. Why isn't it there?

A) This could be for 2 reasons...

1) The number you called wasn't listed in the lead/client Information tab. If the lead or client gives you an alternate number to call them at, you have to add it into their Phone or Cell Phone field in Information before calling to have the call saved. If you dial a number that's not in the system, the call will be held in the Messages center> Recordings tab. You can then associate it with the lead/client record.

2) Time. You haven't given the system enough time to process the audio and add the mp3 file to the Files tab. Give it a few minutes, refresh the page and see if it's there.

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