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Intake Forms

Create a form for your agents to guide leads through a series of questions you'll need to begin a quote.

Danielle Bond avatar
Written by Danielle Bond
Updated over a week ago

If you'd like to customize the experience of your agents taking information from their leads, you can use Intake Forms. This is NOT a form that your leads will fill out, it is internal only.

You can create scripts, use the primary data fields you want and also create custom fields that you want to capture, organizing it as you choose. You're going to be creating "Sections" and determining the order and if they should be on the same page or if you want the new section to go to another page. There are also collapsible options.

First thing you'll want to do is to customize the data that you'll want to add in via Custom Coverage Types & Data Fields, found in Settings. For a full overview of the custom field options, check out the tutorial on those options.

Next, you'll go to Settings> Intake Forms and create a new form. Name it, for instance, Over 65. The sort order is in case you create multiple intake forms, to organize which you want first in the list. Decide which record types you want it to apply to. Over 65 would be for leads, where as Agent Recruitment would be for Agents.

Now add Sections. The first section might be a script that you've created. Choose the sort order of where it appears within the intake form. So we’ll choose sort order 1. The Display Type is going to be Current Page since it’s our first. We’ll not have it be collapsible on this one. Choose the Section Type. I created a custom tab for a call script, so I’ll select the custom tab option. Then choose the right call script. Create.

Add another section. Now you might add the Primary Data page, still on the same, current page. Edit what you do or don't want to see by selecting or deselecting the boxes. Create.

Let's add another section on a new page for more household related information. If some information is more optional, you could even default it to being collapsed unless it's needed. Create.

Fill out an intake form. Once completed, create the lead. Note that you'll have to create the lead before you'll be able to add in the Providers & Prescriptions.

Here is a rough video to watch. Official video on its way!
It will walk you through
1) How the intake form works

2) How to create the intake form in Settings> Intake Forms

3) How to use the intake form

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