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Importing Leads & Clients
Clu Connors avatar
Written by Clu Connors
Updated over a week ago

Importing Leads & Clients

There are Four ways to Import Leads & Clients into Radius: Add Lead or Client, CSV File, Radius Dropbox and Website HTTP Post.

Add Lead or Client - Click the 'Add Lead' or 'Add Client' button from the Add Bar. This is the most basic way to put a lead or client into Radius. Read the Add Lead or Client KB Article.

CSV File Import - Importing existing Leads or Clients in bulk is very easy using the CSV File Format Import. Read the Import by Spreedsheet File KB Article or download the Sample CSV File and get started right away. Make sure your Column Headings are exactly as required so they import properly. Name Field is one Column.

Radius Dropbox / Email Parsing - Using your Radius Dropbox Email Address (Profile Page within your Account) you can import leads from the internet lead vendors you are purchasing leads from. Read the Import Leads from Lead Vendors KB Article

Website / HTTP Post - Radius can import leads from your website using an HTTP Post (Contact Page Form) that is provided in your account. We have developed a basic Contact Us Page that Agents can use to put on their website to import leads automatically into their account. Read the Import Leads from Website KB Article.

Key in mind the Marketing Process Radius Importing of Leads allows you to configure. A lead can come in the system (any of the 4 ways above) which will allow Radius to send out an Auto Responder Email (Thank You Prospect) instantly, New Lead Email to you (Assigned Agent) followed up by Multiple Drip Marketing Campaigns. All of this done automatically and instantly.

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