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SMS Best Practices: Regulations & Guidance
SMS Best Practices: Regulations & Guidance

With great features comes great responsibility!

Danielle Bond avatar
Written by Danielle Bond
Updated over a week ago

Radius' SMS service is built upon the FCC's regulations. However, compliance with all SMS regulations is on you.

  1. You must obtain explicit consent before sending text messages.

    *Use the Analytics field for Opt-In For Text Messages (Settings> Analytics) to track consent. You can use this in your lead capture forms and create automated workflows that are supplemental to the general New Lead workflow for people who have allowed text messages.

    *You can also create an opt-in for texting in your email communications.
    And, if you're on the phone with someone, use a text template to confirm their verbal consent (we also have recorded calls that will help!)
    TEMPLATES> TEXT TEMPLATES. Add a Verbal Text Opt In template“Here’s the number you can text me at. Thanks for giving me the OK to text you just now. If you ever want to change that, just reply STOP."

    *While clients are typically viewed to have given consent because you have a business relationship with them, we still advise getting explicit consent due to evolving regulations.

  2. Useful frequency & content are vital.

    *Sending text messages at a reasonable frequency with relevant, useful information is key to engaging recipients. Over-sending or sharing irrelevant content can lead to opt-outs and reports of spam.

    *Track your SMS delivery rates & opt-outs/blocks in Reports> SMS Reports. Review any workflows that are generating a high level of opt-outs and make adjustments.

    *Personalize the messages and make sure the person understands why you're reaching them & keep them short.

    *Avoid "Sales-y" language like no cost, free, limited offer, gift, you've been selected or aggressive language like call now, urgent, click here, don't delete or using ALL CAPS or emojis.

    *Learn about Forbidden Message Categories here. This article is provided by Twilio.

  3. Compliance with your local regulatory agencies.

    *Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) (US)
    *State regulations
    Learn more about the evolving regulations at the federal level here.

  4. Identification, Opt Out & Data Privacy

    *Radius has auto-stamps on your text messages to comply with these regulations. You'll see "Sent by YOUR ACCOUNT NAME. Reply STOP to unsubscribe." on every SMS message other than in a direct reply thread.

    *Radius is HIPPA compliant, so your data is secure.

  5. Learn more about potential fines

    *Click HERE to learn more

    Always remember, while we have built features to be in compliance with regulations, compliance and appropriate messaging is your responsibility.

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