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Training Seminars & Previously Recorded Trainings
Training Seminars & Previously Recorded Trainings

Enroll in and watch previously recorded training series here (Current are at the top. Scroll down for the old timey stuff!)

Danielle Bond avatar
Written by Danielle Bond
Updated over a week ago


Our annual Enrollment Season Prep Academy is enrolling now! The ALL WELCOME sessions recordings will be posted here the day after the sessions. Clients Only Sessions will not be recorded.


Monday, 8/26: VoIP & SMS Best Practices CLICK HERE TO RSVP

Tuesday, 8/13: Consents, Scopes, Attestations & Compliance

Wednesday, 8/14: Appointment Calendar & Reminders

Thursday, 8/15: Creating Templates & Building Workflows

Friday, 8/16: Using Reports for Targeting Leads & Clients


February 2024: AEP Debrief

Day 1: Using Saved Reports to update Policies and more

Day 2: Using Aged Lead Status and marketing throughout the year via mass email & workflows

Day 3: Commission Module & Revenue Reports to check on payments

Day 4: Product Commission updates

2023 Off To The Races: Open Enrollment & Radius

Day 1: Phone System & Screenshare

Day 2: Customizations, Generate Scope of Appointment & ACA Consent, Client Prescription Updates

Day 3: Appointment Scheduling & Reminders

Day 4: Templates & Automations

Day 5: Reports

2.023 New Features

2022 Racing School Sessions:

Monday, August 8th: Using the Phone Dialer & Screen Share

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: 4JEZ+?1D

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: &F5px4#T

Related Articles:
CMS & HIPPA Regulations & Radius
Custom Field Options
Carriers & Products
Import Spreadsheet

Wednesday, August 10th: Appointment Scheduler & Appointment Reminders
Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: ?kj4=&JK

Thursday, August 11th: Creating Email Marketing Templates

Meeting Recording:

Access Passcode: 21O*@Y1u

Related Articles:
CMS Marketing Guidelines & Disclaimer Requirements
Creating Email Templates
Improve Deliverability
Spam Trigger Words
Landing Pages

Friday, August 12th: Building Automated Marketing Workflows

Meeting Recording:

Related Articles:

Monday, August 15th: Add Carriers, Products & Commissions
Meeting Recording:
Passcode: T1+?pX4!

Related Articles:
Carriers, Products & Commissions
Commission Reconciliation Module

Tuesday, August 16th: TRACK IS CLOSED. NO SESSIONS
Related Articles:
What To Do With Your Downtime

Wednesday, August 17th: Using the Phone Dialer to be CMS Compliant
Related Articles:
Setting Up the VOIP Dialer and Using the Dialer
CMS & HIPPA Regulations & Radius

Thursday, August 18th: Reporting Tools for Targeting Leads & Clients
Meeting Recording:

Passcode: muf&FDh7

Related Articles:
Report Features

Saved Reports To Dashboard
Mail Merge & Mailing Labels
Email Unsubscribe Report

Friday, August 19th: Lead Capture with Landing Pages

Meeting Recording:

Related Articles:
Landing Pages

2022 AEP Debrief

Day 1: Expand Your BOB (Book of Business) from existing records with statuses, linked records & marketing

Day 2: Reports

Day 3: Automated Workflows

Day 4: Carriers, Products and a Preview of the new Commission Import feature

Day 5: Appointment Scheduler, Reminders & Calendar Features

2021 AEP Prep
LESSON 1: Creating Lead & Client Call Scripts

Quick Summary: Settings > Coverage Types & Custom Data Fields > Add Custom Tab

Extra Credit:
Review Linked Records

LESSON 2: Field Customization Options

Quick Summary:
Settings > Email, Columns, Calendar & Other > Custom Dates & Agent Fields

Settings > Coverage Types & Custom Data Fields

Extra Credit:
Custom Dates Instructional
Coverage Types & Data Fields Instructional

LESSON 3: Customize Email Templates

Quick Summary:
Drips > Add Email Template

Extra Credit:
Review Email Template Creation In More Depth
Review the Boot Camp Day 2 video on email marketing

LESSON 4: Automated Workflows

Quick Summary:
Settings> Account Tags> Add Tag of "AEP-Not Yet Selected"
Settings> Phone Dialer> Call Queues> Add queue of "AEP Clients Check In"
Settings> Automated Workflows. Create!

Extra Credit:
Deep Dive into the Phone Dialer & How to get the most out of it
Even Deeper Dive into Automated Workflows

2020 Virtual Office Boot Camp

Virtual Office Boot Camp:
At the start of quarantine, we created a boot camp that helps you go in depth on how to use Radiusbob as your virtual office. The videos are longer than just a normal instructional 'how to' video, but are very useful in learning the potential of Radiusbob for your business.

Day 1: Phone Features/ Making the most of quarantine one call at a time... pants optional.

Day 2: Email Features/ Automate, send mass emails, create templates & more

Day 3: Deep Dive into Automated Workflows

Day 4: Let's Get Physical!... with Physical Mailings

Day 5: Casual Friday was never so professional: Screen Share & Client Portal Access

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